Rapunzel sun pattern
Rapunzel sun pattern

rapunzel sun pattern

“No, just you.” Wilbur muttered, turning to look at Quackity. “Does anyone know about this?” Quackity asked softly, his voice filled with wonder. “It’s the best view, you should come over when there is a meteor shower.” Wilbur looked up at the sky leaning backwards so his back hit the roof, he felt Quackity lay next to him intertwining their hands. Stargazing be damned, the prettiest star was the man next to him. Wilbur could only look at him, a large grin spreading across his face.

rapunzel sun pattern

“Holy shit.” Quackity muttered, staring at the stars, his eyes filled with wonder. Quackity collapsed next to Wilbur his chest rising and falling in a steady pattern slowly he slid over to sit next to Wilbur. Quackity was agile as hell, Wilbur had seen him scale buildings as if he was going on a Sunday walk. “It’s the best place to stargaze.” Wilbur replied motioning for Quackity to join him on the roof. “Why are you on the roof?” Quackity asked, cupping his hands around his mouth. The other man startled, looked up into the roof and sighed, rolling his eyes. When he heard the shorter man walk away he sat up climbing to the edge of the roof and shouted down at Quackity. Wilbur of course didn’t hear it from his perch on the roof. Quackity had come to Wilbur’s house late at night at one point knocking swiftly on the door. No one found the appeal of stargazing as much as Wilbur. He would climb up onto his roof and lay down, watching the stars and pointing out constellations while humming. Quesadilla island had some of the best stars he had seen. Then he lived in London and he could never see the stars. When he was young he would sneak out onto his roof and look at the stars for hours till the sun rose in the horizon. Stargazing had always been a pleasing experience for Wilbur.

Rapunzel sun pattern